In studying Tardigrada, a great deal of useful or even necessary information is found in older publications. Species descriptions, images, and distribution data are among the materials Tardigrada researchers may be seeking from hard-to-find older works, including many that are now in the public domain.

This repository is intended to make these works generally available and encourage sharing. Works may be uploaded if they are in the public domain, or have been published with a license that permits such use. Note that for copyrighted works, copyright typically expires 50 or more years after the death of the author (depending on jurisdiction). To err on the side of respecting copyright, the Tardigrada.Pub repository will use "life of (last surviving) author plus 70 years" as the standard.

Any registered user is welcome to upload a public-domain or properly-licensed paper. At present, users must verify an email address before they are able to edit pages. If you are having difficulty or are uncertain about details or formatting, please simply upload the document and other users can clean it up, or send a note to Gary and he'd be glad to upload any provided items.

Questions, suggestions, or comments may be directed to Gary

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The Tardigrada.Pub repository has been made possible by the increasing availability of digitized papers thanks to such initiatives as the Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Internet Archive. Many of the items were kindly provided by Diane Nelson. Other useful resources include Noemí Guil's Historia del Estudio de los Tardígrados and Terje Meier's Bibliography.

The Tardigrada.Pub respository logo uses the original image from Goeze (1773) of a wasserbär.